About Us
We offer convenience and compliance with every product to manage Bio-hazardous waste and spill.
Arch TECHNOCHEM, Inc. is a family owned business in San Diego, CA, founded in 2004. We started our journey with infection control disposables supplies to dental offices in San Diego and Riverside, CA. Our web-store went live in late 2006 offering in-office treat and dispose sharps disposal product, Isolyser/SMS. We added the catagories of products and solutions, periodically, to offer in our online store to healthcare as well as non-healthcare businesses and instituitions for managing regulated waste, hazardous spills, and disinfection in and within their facility premises. We have continued to supply infection control disposables to our San Diago and Riverside dental office customers.
We are authorized distributors for the regulated waste management, spill management and disinfects products and brands, you see on our website. Our customers include small Quantity generators (SQG) of regulated bio-hazardous waste. Our mission is to provide SQGs an convenient and cost effective way of complying with regulated waste disposal/recycling regulations, hazardous spill management and disinfecting.
The products we offer are registered with and certified by governmental controlling agencies, adhering to requirements of regulatory agencies for biohazardous waste disposal and/or recycling. The comprehensive suite of products we offer are tested, proven, compliant and made in the USA. The manufacturers we represent are responsible, mission driven entities based in the USA. They are small businesses like yours and ours.
Our Products are
- Regulatory Compliant
- Environmentally Responsible
- Easy, and affordable
- Convenient
- Solution oriented
- No Pick-up
- No Contract
- No Hidden Fees
Our Customers are
- Dentists, and Medical Practitioner
- Veterinarians, and Acupuncturists
- Microblading, and Tattoo artists
- Manufacturing, warehouses, and
business facilties
- Government
- Educational institutions and Laboratories
- Hospitality Facilities